What Makes A Hero?

Is there actually a guideline for being a hero? What aspect or characteristic of an individual do you consider heroic? Should something be done in order to be heroic? And if there is something to be done, why does it always have to be based on the usual cliché of saving lives and taking the damsel-in-distress-away-from-danger kind of job? The main question though is in the act and what do people nowadays consider in that act to be heroic?

Well for me, there are three things that should be met for something to be considered heroic. First of all, a hero is someone who doesn’t necessarily have a good attitude. Even if they don’t necessarily have to have a good attitude, they should at least know when politeness, etiquette, and propriety is called for. No one is perfect and it’s hard for a person to be a thorough goody-two-shoes but that’s the least that they can do. Second, they don’t call for attention, they aren’t bothered by it. They welcome the attention but to a certain extent. They do a good deed just because they want to and accept the gratitude that comes with it. That’s also the third thing, doing a good deed. A good deed is something that is done out of sheer good heartedness.

As long as someone does these, they are heroic enough for me.

– Audrey Agustin

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